thought and concept中文什么意思

发音:   用"thought and concept"造句
  • thought:    thought2 think 的过去 ...
  • concept:    n. 1.【哲学】概念。 2.观念, ...
  • a thought:    稍许, 一点点, 少量
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  1. Regarding this point , we have found that in terms of thoughts and concepts our means are utterly inadequate
  2. As for the color teaching , techniques have always been overestimated while the development of thinking and concept neglected
  3. Thought and concepts have gestalt properties . they have structures that go beyond putting together building blocks
  4. Because the left side of the brain is in charge of logical thinking and concepts , which belong to the rational domain , and corresponds to black and white drawings
  5. So the traditional thoughts and concepts of education must be changed in a practical way so as to construct a social atmosphere with scientific spirit , and strengthen the education of the history of scientific thoughts and humane studies


  1. thought act 什么意思
  2. thought action 什么意思
  3. thought alienation 什么意思
  4. thought ambivalence 什么意思
  5. thought and being 什么意思
  6. thought and society 什么意思
  7. thought audition 什么意思
  8. thought being broadcast 什么意思
  9. thought blocking 什么意思
  10. thought breaking-off 什么意思


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